Here you can see some examples of the oral presentations carried out by the sixth graders. They had to learn how to manage a Prezi presentation, to write a composition about their favourite place and to explain it to their classmates. All of them enjoyed their presentations and they could improve their oral skills.
divendres, 22 de desembre del 2017
Christmas wreath 4th
This is the Christmas Wreath we have done in the arts and crafts subject. Fourth primary graders have been preparing it during these last days.
If you want to do it at home, the material you need is the following:
- 1 circle made of plate or card.
- Green card
-A ribbon
-Card and paper for the candle
-Glue and scissors.
We wish you a Merry Christmas!!!!!!!
diumenge, 17 de desembre del 2017
Living Nativity
Yesterday it was the living nativity. All the pupils of the school celebrated the beginning of Christmas representing some scenes about the Cristmas Nativity.
Each course dressed up for Christmas. After that, pupils went in the playground to sing some carols. Families, neighbours and friends came to see their children.
Each course dressed up for Christmas. After that, pupils went in the playground to sing some carols. Families, neighbours and friends came to see their children.
dijous, 14 de desembre del 2017
"Dorothy's Dance Camp"
Our pupils from fourth, fifth and sixth graders have seen the "Dorothy's Dance Camp". It is a play about some characters who arrive at a summer camp and they have to carry out different tasks to help her friend, Dorothy.
Pupils participated in the different activities, they enjoyed dancing and singing. It was a very dynamic show where pupils felt confident to speak in English.
dimecres, 29 de novembre del 2017
Last month, we celebrated Halloween at school. We spent a really funny morning playing games, dancing, doing crafts and drawing. All the activities were organized by the sixth graders. They did it really well.
dijous, 8 de juny del 2017
divendres, 26 de maig del 2017
dimecres, 5 d’abril del 2017
Ahir, dia 4 d’abril, els alumnes
de 4t, 5è i 6è vam fer una sortida. Al matí vam anar al teatre a veure l’obra
de teatre en anglès Robin Hood i, a la tarda, vam anar al Rocòdrom Cal Mico a
fer escalada. Ens ho vam passar pipa! Voleu veure les fotos?
Per començar el dia vam anar a la Plaça dels Jurats a esmorzar i ben alimentats vam anar cap al teatre...
L’obra de teatre era molt divertida!
Els alumnes hi vam participar.
Vam ballar i cantar cançons.
I sobretot vam riure molt!Tot seguit vam anar a dinar al Parc del Migdia.
I després cap al Rocòdrom... vam
fer estiraments per començar i llavors....vam fer
el mico! Va ser molt divertit!
divendres, 3 de febrer del 2017
El passat dilluns 30 de gener va
ser el dia de la pau.
Durant tota aquesta setmana
hem hagut de fer una sèrie de reptes de
la pau.
Primer, vam resseguir el signe de
la pau tots els nens de l’escola, després vam haver d’ordenar unes paraules i
ens va sortir aquesta frase:
El tercer repte va ser aprendre
una cançó de la pau: el swing de la pau.
El quart repte a ser omplir el pot
dels oblits amb allò que ens impedeix la pau a classe.
Finalment, avui els alumnes de 5è
ens han fet una representació de l’origen del colom de la pau i hem fet volar
Ens ha agradat molt. Els alumnes
de 4t volem treballar per la pau!
Alumnes de 4t de primària
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